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Foxy Photographers


Name - Carissa Nightingale

Age - 185

Club Role - Photography

Pronouns Bun/Bun

Race - Viera

Likes - Sunset Carrot Nibbles, Carrot Pudding, Happiness Juice, The screams of raid member's cries for heals, Ley lines

Dislikes - Not knowing your role, Standing in shit then blame your healer (Unless you're a BLM then you get a free pass), Laziness, "Waiting on Aeris!"

Fun Fact - A towel gets heavier when it dries

Languages - Engrish

Quote - "I will die the way I lived! In my Ley lines!"

Name - Yuffine Serila

Age - 30,000

Club Role - Photography

Pronouns - Highness

Race - Demon/succubus

Likes - Nice talk - Lemon drinkie (check my special drinkie ;3). Cute thing, and my friend

Dislikes - Mean ppl when I don't understand, vegetable, running, math, furry

Fun Fact - I have a eye as pet, named looky

Languages - French, English

Quote - "Les apparences peuvent être trompeuses (Appearances can be deceiving)"

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